Businesses can prepare for hurricane season by installing some simple measures to combat natural disasters. However, it does require thoughtful time and effort. No one size fits all businesses. Here are six ways your business can prepare for hurricane season.
Start prepping early
The best way businesses can prepare for hurricane season is to prep as early as possible. Start months in advance and coordinate efforts for a possible emergency. This will give you enough time to source supplies, and develop a plan that works for everyone. Review the FEMA Toolkit to make sure your business is ready for whatever a hurricane can throw at you. Making preparations during the off-season can go a long way in making sure your business won’t be vulnerable during a crisis. Importantly, businesses can prepare the hurricane season by taking proactive steps.
Have a disaster preparedness plan or a business checklist of what employees can do to keep themselves safe. Never jeopardize your safety or another for the sake of your business. That’s why preparedness is so important. Businesses can prepare for hurricane season now instead of amidst a crisis.

What is essential to your business?
One of the most basic ways businesses can prepare for hurricane season is to clearly identify what is essential for your business to run. Are trucks on the road your biggest concern? How will you communicate to customers after a natural disaster? What protection can you provide to your most valuable assets? Do you have insurance on key essential items? These are all key questions you should consider when your business is trying to prepare for hurricane season. come up with solutions that will work even in the worst-case scenario. No matter what happens, you’ll be prepared. Don’t let things like water damage impede your business.
Stock up on supplies
Does your business have the supplies it needs for a couple of weeks if supply chains break down? Natural disasters can be devastating to supply chains. During critical moments like this, it can be hard to purchase necessary supplies to run your business. Instead, stock up before the hurricane season. That way you won’t have to worry about your business being able to conduct regular transactions. You can also do this before a storm as well.
Backup all documents
There’s always the possibility that a hurricane can destroy your building or storage facilities. Also, it can cut power to your building, meaning that you can’t back up your files. Businesses can prepare for hurricane season by installing a back-up system that has a generator should the power be cut off. This means that in the event of an emergency, you still won’t lose your files. In fact, if you have them backed up to the cloud, you won’t have to worry about personal storage on site. However, we strongly recommend leaving this in the hands of a professional.
Have protective gear on hand
During the process of cleanup, you’ll want to protect yourself and your employees. Buying protective equipment to sift through wreckage or damage can protect them from cuts and bruises. In addition, it can also protect them from infectious diseases brought on by standing water. Having protective gear ready to go also helps businesses recover faster and get back to normal productivity. You must stock up beforehand, as after a natural disaster, protective gear can be hard to come by.
What does recovery look like?
Businesses can prepare for Hurricane Season by making sure they have clean safety protocols. Establishing these protocols can help businesses stay safe, and help them recover faster. More importantly though, this process usually is left up to a professional emergency service. This is so you don’t risk your employees and don’t need to purchase equipment for clean up. You just call your emergency servicing company and they come to do the work for you. No hassle with the cleanup. You just have to get back to business.
Are you looking for ways to prepare for hurricane season but are still unsure? RMI Emergency Services can help you be prepared for any natural disasters. Whether you were dealing with water damage or need expert cleaning, we can help. Contact us today to get a disaster plan that works for you.