Fire Safety for Your Business: 10 Steps you Should Follow
Fire safety has evolved quite a bit since the industrial age. Back then, catastrophic fires devastated businesses and claimed many lives. Nowadays, we have fire extinguishes on hand and fire fighters can be onsite in minutes. As a business, there are several things you can do to ensure you never have to call the fire department.
Here are 10 fire safety steps you should take to keep your employees safe and your building protected.
1. Keep it Clean
A clean workspace is conducive, not just for fire safety, but also for productivity. Keep your workplace clean and clutter-free. This will help prevent unnecessary potential fuel for fires in the form of clutter, and also make it easier to store and maintain equipment and materials. Cleanliness is one of the easiest ways to keep your business safe from fires.

2. Easy Access
Make sure you have easy access to control panels and electrical boxes. During fire emergencies, you will need to shut down the power via the control panel. Also, be mindful of fire equipment, sprinklers, hydrants, and emergency exits. Never block these fire safety elements in and around the workplace.
3. Machine Maintenance
The more machinery your business has, the more fire safety matters. If your workplace uses any machinery, even copiers and printers, make sure they are properly maintained. Even the best made machinery can break down and become a hazard. Proper maintenance can help prevent overheating and unnecessary friction. Keep a checklist of regular maintenance and ensure proper training to check machinery consistently.
4. Report Hazards
Defective wiring and faulty electrical equipment are major contributors to workplace fires. Never attempt electrical repairs unless you are a qualified professional or have prior authorization. If you discover an electrical hazard, report it right away. Create a standard procedure for reporting any electrical or other types of hazards.
5. Proper Waste Disposal
One of the easiest ways to avoid fire and other workplace accidents is simply to ensure proper waste disposal. Make it obvious where trash is to be thrown away and clearly mark where different types of waste should be disposed of. Make sure trash and other hazardous waste is emptied on a regular basis.
6. Building Security
When it comes to business fire safety, you may be surprised of the biggest fire threat. One of the most common causes of business fires is arson. To help prevent arson fires, keep your building locked and secure when vacant. If necessary, install camera surveillance systems to deter unwanted guests. Always report suspicious behavior or people. Never leave flammable trash or other combustible items outside of your building.
7. Smoking Areas
If you allow smoking at your workplace, designate a specific smoking area and make sure all workers who smoke on the job use only this area to smoke. Give clear instruction on proper extinguishing of materials and make sure those guidelines are enforced. Place signs around the area reminding employees to only smoke in designated areas and to dispose of cigarettes properly.
8. Ready-to-use Fire Extinguishers and Alarms
Fire extinguishers are found at nearly every workplace. However, if they are not tested and charged regularly, they may not work properly when you need them most. Check the fire extinguisher gauges regularly. If they are not charged or it has been a month since the last inspection, then request for maintenance. Most importantly, make sure your workers know how to use a fire extinguisher. Also, check your fire alarms regularly to make sure they work properly and are fully charged.
9. Emergency Numbers and Signs
Make sure every worker has access to emergency phone numbers as well as your company address to provide to emergency responders if necessary. Exit signs should be installed and clearly visible in your facility.
10. Fire Plan
Perhaps the most important aspect of fire safety for your business is an evacuation plan. In crisis situations, panic is a natural response. Make sure your workers are well trained to evacuate your building in case of a fire. Have regular fire drills to make sure everyone knows what to do and where to go during a fire. If necessary, review your plan with a local fire company to make sure it is solid.
Proper fire safety can make a huge difference in protecting your business. However, accidents still happen. If your business has been damaged due to fire, then we’re here to help. At RMI Emergency Services, we specialized in disaster cleanup for businesses. We can restore your business back to new and get you back on your feet fast. Call us today to see how we can help you.